روان شناسی و مشاوره::
آسیب شناسی خود
These pathological states have been examined in terms of their self structure, which is characterized by a vertical split, a form of self pathology described by Kohut, There is as well a particular kind of interpretive intervention that seems applicable in the analytic treatment of the disorders.
Narcissistic transferences were now called selfobject transferences, and self pathology was expanded to encompass much more than the narcissistic disorders.
Patients do come into treatment with specific selfobject needs and specific self pathology, these authors state, but how these needs are met and responded to in the intersubjective psychoanalytic field can significantly influence the severity of this pathology as well as the course and outcome of treatment.
Competence and adequate self-esteem, the cardinal signs of a well- functioning and well-developing self system, are reduced in the closed system, resulting in anxiety, depression, and self pathology.
It is true, however, that the two models of transference included present different emphases, and that the clinical examples of transference provided are heavily weighted in the direction of self pathology and attachment motivation, perhaps because these case illustrations best adumbrate their own particular intersubjective frame of reference.
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